News Features 2021
Motorcyclists ride for Christmas
January 25 2022 / High Country Herald

Riders take to road to spread Xmas joy one toy at a time
December 18 2021 / The

Moto GP legend to attend 95 year celebrations
November 3 2021 / High Country Herald

Club welcomes racing ace
October 29 2021 / The

Riders Hit Road For Winter Appeal
May 31 2021 / The Chronicle

New President of Downs Motorcycle Sporting Club
May 25 2021 / High Country Herold

Con Leads Club To Bright Future
May 22 2021 / The Chronicle

Congratulations Madam President
May 2021
At the 2021 AGM of the Downs Motorcycle Sporting Club, Con Harriman was voted in as president. This was the first time in the clubs 94 year history that a woman has held this position.
Con, when did you join the Downs Motorcycle Sporting Club (DMCSC)?
I joined the club back in 1976 and in another first, I was the first woman to receive a life membership in 1988.
What’s been your contribution to the DMCSC over the years?
I’ve been a very active member in the club for many years. I was secretary for a few years and race secretary for the clubs pony express events. When the MRA ceased to run the Toowoomba Toy Run in 1977, I took on the organisation of this event and 44 years later it’s still a major charity event for the club each year gathering toys for donation to disadvantaged kids at Christmas.
When did you get your bike licence?
I’ve had my bike licence since 1974. My first bike was a little blue Kawasaki KH 100 which I rode around Toowoomba for a couple of years before upgrading to a Yamaha RD 350. From 1997 to 1999, I rode a KLR 650 to work.
What bike events do you participate in?
That could take forever to answer so I’ll give you a very brief overview. Back in 1978, I completed a pillion and rider trip to Perth on a Z1R. 1987 I received some major injuries from a bike accident going up the Toowoomba range. It took a long time to get back on a bike after that one.
In 1996 my husband Steve on a GTR with side car, carrying 2 sons and daughter and me on a Virago 750 with the second daughter went on 3 day ride with the club.
I have been to several GP's at Eastern Creek and a couple at Phillip Island. When our boys were young, I did lots of rides with them and Steve on the GTR with sidecar.
In February last year, I went on a run to Coolac for the Stone rally. Rode in torrential rain for 5 days … that was a very interesting few days.
I’ve also been attending motorcycle rallies for many years and six years ago Steve and I set up the site for the clubs Kilburnie Rally on our property near Goombungee.
Oh…I almost forgot about my track bike which I’ve ridden at the Carnell raceway at Stanthorpe.
So what is your current ride?
In 2019 Hubby Steve finished building me a trike based on a 1000 Kawasaki which you can see in the photo. I love riding my trike, it sits on the road really well. It’s very comfortable with plenty of storage room in the boot. I rode it on a 6,500 km round trip to Cairns which included the Southern Cross poker run last year.
What’s your vision for the club?
It’s the clubs 95th year and I see a very bright future. Firstly I’m committed to promoting the objectives of the club which are “To provide social activities and a meeting place for motorcyclists and their families. To support other bodies working for the improvement of motorcycling, participate in charity and community service activities and strive to improve the public image of motorcyclists and motorcycling through professionally organised public events whilst showing a responsible attitude”.
Secondly, I will be focused on broadening the appeal of the club, building our membership base and working hard to find a new sponsor.
The next 5 years should be exciting as the focus will be on the build up to the DMCSC’s 100th year celebration in 2026.
I look forward to the challenge and welcoming new members and sponsors to the Downs Motorcycle Sporting Club in the months ahead.