The Downs Motorcycle Sporting Club often referred to as the DMCSC has its club-owned clubhouse and workshop in the Toowoomba Showgrounds, Glenvale. The club has been active on the Darling Downs since 1926, so if your grandparents ever had the occasion to throw a leg over a bike in the Toowoomba area, then there is a good chance they had at least a passing acquaintance with the DMCSC.
The objectives of the DMCSC:
To provide social activities and a meeting place for motorcyclists. To support other bodies working for the improvement of motorcycling, participate in charity and community service activities, and strive to improve the public image of motorcyclists and motorcycling through professionally organised public events whilst showing a responsible attitude.
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in motorcycling. read more here >
Motorcycling Queensland
From its inception, the Downs Motorcycle Sporting Club has remained a non-marque club affiliated with Motorcycling Queensland (MQ) which in turn is affiliated with the head organization, Motorcycling Australia (MA).
We are classified as a 'Road Rides' club, although some members participate in various categories of racing.
Off particular interest will be the insurance benefits to you as a financial member of the DMCSC when the club participates in MA or SCB sanctioned events. This information is laid out in the Motorcycling Australia website. read more here >
Social nights are held on the first and third Friday of every month. On the first Friday, we usually meet for a meal at a restaurant or Hotel and on the third Friday we meet at the clubhouse starting at 7.00 pm
Coffee nights and BBQs are also organised each month. Check out the calendar under events for the times and locations.
Rides, Rallies & Events:
The club has regular "Clubman" rides ranging from 2-hour quickies and brekkie rides through to full-day rides and camping weekends ... plenty of options for everyone.
Midweek rides are held on the first and third Thursdays of the month.
We hold the Weekend at Kilbirnie Rally on a 100+ acre property to the North of Goombungee on the labor day long weekend in May. DMCSC members also attend a variety of rallies in SE Queensland and Northern NSW.
The calendar is usually full every month with club-run or hosted events or events club members are participating in.
Check out the events/calendar page for all the details. The link to the bi-monthly ride calendar PDF is located on this page. link to the ride calendar -->
Registration concession:
Financial club members can obtain supporting documentation from the dating officer to apply for "Special interest vehicle registration".
The club has had a rich history of competitive motorcycle racing. These days, however, the focus is on non-competitive events and track days although we still have members who participate in historic road racing.
Financial club members have access to the club's small capacity track day/race bike.
The club has a purpose-built workshop for servicing our track day bikes. The facilities are also available for club members to service and maintain their own machines.
Don't stress if you are somewhat challenged in the finer points of motorcycle maintenance, customisation or restoration, we have many members who are trade qualified and are willing to help.
Charitable Events:
The club hosts two annual charity events in Toowoomba.
The Huggie Bear Memorial Toowoomba Blanket Run in winter, collecting and distributing blankets for those less fortunate than ourselves.
The Toowoomba Motorcycle Toy Run at Christmas, collecting donations of toys, food and clothing for charitable organisations.
Held on the first Monday of every month at the clubhouse starting at 6.30 pm and generally finish around 8 pm.